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Sims 3 Sex Interactions


Here's how it works: By default, autonomous gay and bisexual activity is banned in all new games until you have completed a specified number of user-directed same-sex interactions with your sims. (6 by default.) Only after you complete six actions will your town have the autonomous same sex:true feature unlocked. This can get annoying if you want your sims to live in a diverse town even if no one in your household happens to be actively gay or bi. Also, all vacation worlds are set to autonomous same sex:false even if you've unlocked it in the homeworld or are traveling with a gay/bi sim, making you have to re-unlock it every time - again, annoying.

This mod removes the requirement of 6 user-directed same-sex interactions, making autonomous same sex automatically enabled in any new or existing game as well as all vacation worlds and university. If the mod is removed, any world in which you have not performed 6 user-directed same sex actions will revert to autonomous same sex:false. If you have performed 6 actions, it will remain autonomous same sex:true.

Sims 3 Sex Interactions

How autonomous same sex works: Sims who have a gay or bi gender preference will perform autonomous romantic interactions with sims of their preferred gender(s) exactly the same way straight sims do. (The target sim's gender preference is irrelevant.) Also, active sims with an undecided gender preference have a chance at getting the "attractive company" buff from both male and female sims, as opposed to the default, where they'd only find opposite gendered sims attractive. (FYI, sims gain LTR points more quickly with other sims that they find attractive, along with the positive moodlet.) If they end up having a gender preference down the road, they will no longer be attracted to new sims of the other gender. Keep in mind that by default (at the time of this post), no Sims in any existing EA towns are pre-set with a gay or bi gender preference, so if you want gay and bi sims around town without affecting your own sims' gender preferences, you have to either assign gay/bi gender preferences around town with a mod like Master Controller, or have your own sims influence other sims by using the "dare to kiss" or "convince to flirt/kiss/make out" interactions in University or Late Night.

The Sims, the original version of which launched in 2000, has a long, somewhat complicated history with representing the complete spectrum of LGBTQ identity in its game play(Opens in a new tab). This is due in part to the technical limitations of a virtual world designed around a gender binary and its associated, "expected" social interactions, as well as parent companies and developers that have faced related criticisms(Opens in a new tab) about LGBTQ(Opens in a new tab) inclusion(Opens in a new tab) since the games' initial launch.

Regardless of public opinion, early game developers still sought out ways to include same-sex relationships(Opens in a new tab) in-game, intending to circumvent the early homophobic responses same-sex interaction between Sims would illicit, removing "violent negative interactions" between same-sex characters on romantic storylines, and adding in "LGBTQ easter eggs" in early versions. Documents from these decades-old conversations, released by programmer and artist Don Hopkins in 2019, showed many advocating for a more complex determination of sexual orientation(Opens in a new tab), suggesting custom scales players could use to determine same-sex attraction responses and additions to early relationship trees for Sims interactions.

To control how sims would fall in love with each other, Barrett created a system that would determine their sexuality, whether heterosexual, homosexual or bisexual, through the user's actions, rather than simple factors like proximity.

"Certain social interactions were tagged as romantic," Barrett said. "The game kept track of whether these were performed by same-sex or opposite-sex Sims. The formula was a little more complicated, but, over time, as a Sim developed a relationship, his or her preference was set."

(Sims also can't do any Romantic interactions with anyone the game considers a biological or legally adopted relative: this includes their parents, siblings, offspring, grandparents, aunts/uncles, nieces/nephews, and first cousins.)

The WooHoo interaction should become available to two Sims of appropriate age(s) once their romantic relationship bar reaches about the 40%-50% mark, achieved by successfully performing Romantic interactions together.

But Flirty (or Very Flirty) is the ideal emotional state for WooHoo: the requirements for successful Romantic interactions are lowered, and Sims in this mood might even get Whims to WooHoo that will grant Satisfaction Points upon success.

Moodlets granting the Flirty emotional state are primarily triggered by performing Romantic social interactions, though sometimes personality traits and environmental factors come into play too (see Other factors, below).

Sims with the Charisma skill enjoy increased success in all social interactions, up to and including WooHoo. The higher their Charisma skill level, the more likely that other Sims will accept their proposition to WooHoo, even if their mood or relationship is lower than the normal base levels for success.

A Sim with one of the Love Aspirations (either 'Serial Romantic' or 'Soulmate') will gain the Alluring Bonus Trait. Sims with this trait have a +20% chance of success in romantic interactions, including WooHoo.

With the City Living expansion pack installed, lots with the Romantic Aura or Romantic Fireplace lot traits increase the chances of Sims getting Flirty moodlets. In both cases, these moodlets improve the odds of romantic interactions being successful.

If one partner ages up to Young Adulthood they will retain their Romantic relationship value with their teen sweetheart, but all romantic interactions (including WooHoo/Mess Around) are disabled for the couple until the younger partner has aged up to a Young Adult too.

Even though it doesn't directly influence Romantic interactions, the Friendly relationship value can be a factor: unless a Sim's feeling Very Flirty or has a very strong Romantic relationship value with their love interest, they might get a little bit hurt if their potential WooHoo partner only seems to have one thing on their mind.

This Sims 3 nudity mod is one of the best sims 3 sex mods and allows you to get rid of that seemingly irrevcoable haze from the screen, ruining the experience of your gaming. With the application of this mod, players can do whatever they want, whether it be taking a shower in the bath or having sexual or intimate interaction with other sims without being censored or blocked by that blur from the screen.

It did annoy me when my Sims used to hide under the bedsheet while Woohooing. This animation created by a lot of people slays that demon, now you can watch your sims do their thing without losing them to their sheepish self. And yes, no more hearts over your bed, which makes the Woohooer mod and Sims 3 in general Extra Real. So, do download this, one of the amazing woohoo mods.

This Sims 3 sex Mod is basically a male nude bottom replacement that adds a 3D penis to the body. The genitals alone look bland with E.A. skin when sim woohoos, so i recommend downloading skins with penis textures included. This Mod adds to the fun of the sims game.

This Mod allows your randy little sims to daydream about sex and fantasize about new sexual interactions, or after a meet with a new female can daydream about knocking them in several different sex positions. The amazing part about graphical xtc Sims 3 is your sims get to do everything in their fantasy like a human can without any restrictions and boundaries, foreplay, Doggystyle, designated sex, or anything else you like. This Mod has got you covered.

This Mod is especially for those who have exceptionally playful Sims; you can take your sims to different locations and expect them to return with necessary moodlets. Besides, you can match couples with people who complement each other, from your point of view.

Shubhi is a philosophy major who is passionate about many things, including gaming and computers. She can be found learning the dynamics of the sims world when she's not writing about it. Her love for this life-simulation game, coupled with her amazing writing skills, helps us understand the game's know-how in the best way possible.

I have pregnancy chance set to 25 percent, cum inside not required I have checked and double checked these settings as none of the sims in my game can get pregnant from assault any longer, no matter how many orgasms, climax animations ect the "x may now be pregnant!" alert never pops up for assault situations. is it something I've done wrong? lol

[Devious_Desires] 2021-08-07 11:13:24.601519 Traceback (most recent call last): File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\", line 117, in wrapped File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\", line 113, in finally_wrap File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Core\sims4\", line 157, in wrapper File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Core\sims4\", line 175, in wrapper File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\", line 365, in c_api_client_connect File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\sims\masked\v165h\", line 26, in _wrapped_function File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\sims\masked\v165h\", line 94, in _turbolib_on_late_zone_load File "sims4communitylib\utils\", line 97, in _wrapped_function File "sims4communitylib\events\zone_spin\", line 76, in _common_on_late_zone_load File "deviousdesires\", line 182, in _wrapped_function File "deviousdesires\", line 246, in _dd_install_check_on_late_zone_load File ".\BasementalDrugs_7.13.140-PUBLIC\Basemental\utilities\\", line 18, in _wrapped_function File ".\BasementalDrugs_7.13.140-PUBLIC\Basemental\utilities\changing_world\\", line 68, in bmd_update_drug_prices File ".\BasementalDrugs_7.13.140-PUBLIC\Basemental\utilities\\", line 18, in _wrapped_function File ".\BasementalDrugs_7.13.140-PUBLIC\Basemental\utilities\logging\\", line 72, in bmd_error_waiting File ".\BasementalDrugs_7.13.140-PUBLIC\Basemental\utilities\\", line 18, in _wrapped_function File ".\BasementalDrugs_7.13.140-PUBLIC\Basemental\utilities\logging\\", line 109, in create_version_log File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\", line 573, in do_zone_spin_up File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\", line 1549, in update File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\", line 234, in on_enter File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\sims\", line 85, in load_households File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\sims\", line 171, in _load_household_from_household_proto File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\sims\", line 1404, in load_data File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\sims\masked\v165h\", line 26, in _wrapped_function File ".\WickedWhims_v165h\turbolib2\events\", line 78, in _turbolib_sim_info_load File "sims4communitylib\utils\", line 97, in _wrapped_function File "sims4communitylib\events\sim\", line 148, in _common_on_sim_load File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\sims\", line 3221, in load_sim_info File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\sims\", line 3386, in _load_sim_info File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\traits\", line 996, in load File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\sims\occult\", line 86, in add_trait File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\sims\masked\v165h\", line 26, in _wrapped_function File ".\WickedWhims_v165h\turbolib2\events\", line 190, in _turbolib_on_switch_to_occult_type File "sims4communitylib\utils\", line 97, in _wrapped_function File "sims4communitylib\events\sim\", line 188, in _common_on_sim_change_occult_type File "sims4communitylib\events\sim\", line 114, in _on_sim_change_occult_type File "sims4communitylib\events\event_handling\", line 59, in dispatch File "sims4communitylib\events\event_handling\", line 73, in _dispatch File "sims4communitylib\exceptions\", line 39, in log_exception File "sims4communitylib\events\event_handling\", line 69, in _dispatch File "sims4communitylib\events\event_handling\", line 93, in handle_event File "deviousdesires\nudity_system\utils\", line 685, in _dd_equip_all_on_switch_to_occult File "deviousdesires\nudity_system\utils\", line 384, in attach_equipment_part_by_type File "deviousdesires\nudity_system\utils\", line 560, in _attach_all_equipment File "deviousdesires\nudity_system\utils\", line 44, in is_wearing_nude_outfit File "deviousdesires\nudity_system\utils\", line 49, in is_nude_outfit File "deviousdesires\nudity_system\utils\", line 61, in determine_nude_outfitAttributeError: type object 'CommonSpeciesUtils' has no attribute 'is_animal'Error occurred when attempting to handle event type '' via event handler 'CommonEventHandler Mod Name: 'Devious_Desires' Function: '_dd_equip_all_on_switch_to_occult' Event Type: 'S4CLSimChangedOccultTypeEvent'' -> AttributeError: type object 'CommonSpeciesUtils' has no attribute 'is_animal' 2ff7e9595c


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