The vast majority of the printed works of 1849, a New York German printing of 1865, and the first English public printing of 1880 are additions to the reputed biblical books. In the 1880 edition, for instance, "the Sixth Book of Moses" and "the Seventh Book of Moses" run only from page 6 to 28, making up 23 of the 190 pages. The vast majority of the work is appendices, restatements of similar seals and incantations, reputedly from those Kabala teachers to whom this knowledge was passed. Finally, there are sections including lists of the powers associated with each of the Hebrew "Names of God", the powers and use of reciting each of the Psalms and each Hebrew letter.[13]
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The famous Sefer Raziel HaMalakh ("Book of Raziel the Angel") attributed to this figure is said to contain all secret knowledge, and is considered to be a book of magic. He stands close by God's throne, and therefore hears and writes down everything that is said and discussed.[3] He purportedly gave the book to Adam and Eve after they ate from the forbidden tree of the knowledge of good and evil (that resulted in their expulsion from the Garden of Eden) so the two could find their way back "home" and better understand their God. Raziel's fellow angels were deeply disturbed by this, and thus stole the book from Adam and threw it into the ocean. God Himself decided not to punish Raziel, but instead retrieved the book by means of the Rahab and returned it to Adam and Eve.[2]
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Pre-Flood in origin. Scholars and Theologians, however, tend to disagree, thereby taking a position which is at variance with Jude's. James 4:5 quotes a passage outside of the New Testament AS SCRIPTURE to his readers. This means that James held books outside of the Old Testament as Scripture. Scholars and Theologians, however, tend to discount his testimony. Paul borrows the famous "Armor of God" illustration of Ephesians 6 from the Apocryphal Wisdom of Solomon Chapter 5. There are dozens more. The point is, it clearly shows the NT writers did not believe as the Church does about these books. I have merely acknowledged these facts, whereas Traditional Christianity avoids them....