Xara announces a new release of Xara Web Designer, their programming-free web design tool. Top new features include sticky objects, stretching backgrounds and new animation types, plus the responsive web design feature is added to the standard version of Web Designer. Web Designer 11 users will also be able to use the beta version of cloud.xara, which enables remote editing of their websites from anywhere, on any device.
Xara Xtreme LX is a discontinued 2D vector graphics editor, developed as an open source version of the commercial Xara Xtreme. The abbreviation LX stands for Xara Xtreme on Linux and was retained in some places such as the executable "xaralx".
Xara announces Xtreme Open Source
At the opening of the Libre Graphics Meeting 2006[2] in Lyon, France, Xara released most of the source code of Xara Xtreme for Linux in an updated website with details on how to access the sources. According to the Xara Xtreme for Linux homepage, the released source code contained "the majority of the Xara Xtreme source code" excluding the CDraw rendering engine only available in the form of static GCC libraries for a few selected CPU architectures. The 0.3 beta series allowed use of the .xar file format.
Xara Designer Pro+ is an image editing program incorporating photo editing and vector illustration tools created by British software company Xara. Xara Xtreme LX was an early open source version for Linux.
Xara LX is an open-source version of Xara Xtreme, a high performance drawing and general purpose graphics program. Xara Xtreme on Windows is the latest release of a product with a long history stretching back to Artworks on the Acorn RISC PC in the early 90s, and including a version sold by Corel (CorelXARA).
Legal Report Trademark Abuse VideoLAN, VLC, VLC media player and x264 are trademarks internationally registered by the VideoLAN non-profit organization. VideoLAN software is licensed under various open-source licenses: use and distribution are defined by each software license.
At least with Steam it's only frivolous games you lose when something goes wrong. But now even the hardware's getting locked down: the popularity of closed operating environments like Apple's iOS really scares me. After the long hard work the free-software and open-source folks have put into chipping out a sliver of freedom, we're so ready to hand over unprecedented control of our computing activities to Apple, a company whose corporate interests may not (almost certainly don't) align with our personal aims.
Inkscape, an open-source vector graphics editor, is similar to Adobe Illustrator and CorelDRAW, but its use of Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), an open XML-based W3C standard, as its native format sets it apart from others. Inkscape supports many advanced SVG features (markers, clones, alpha blending, etc.), and great care is taken in designing a streamlined interface. In Inkscape, it is very easy to edit nodes, perform complex path operations, trace bitmaps and much more. Inkscape has a powerful command-line interface and can be used in scripts for a variety of tasks, such as exporting and format conversions.
CrossOver. If you don't, a number of options are available, the most popular among them being Inkscape, which I've used as needed for a couple years now. It's a good program, and among the available open-source vector graphics apps, it's right up near the top of the heap for feature completeness, quality of implementation and lack of bugs, but it's not without its problems. 2ff7e9595c